Monday, July 27, 2009

I Made Graphics! Tada :)

"Relax" - UhThat'sLife

"Boom, what'cha do to me" - UhThat'sLife

"& so" - UhThat'sLife

Friday, July 24, 2009

Love in Deep

Everyone deserves this. Its out there for you. You'll find it, or it will find you.
Don't you worry about that, love.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Way You Look Tonight

Some day,
when I'm awfully low,
When the world is cold,
I will feel a glow just thinking of you...
And the way you look tonight.

Yes you're lovely,
with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft,
There is nothing for me but to love you,
And the way you look tonight.

With each word your tenderness grows,
Tearing my fear apart...
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose,
It touches my foolish heart.
Lovely ... Never, ever change.
Keep that breathless charm.
Won't you please arrange it ?
'Cause I love you ...
Just the way you look tonight.

Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm,
Just the way you look to-night.










Tuesday, July 21, 2009

All About Yoga: A Guide For Beginners

Here are a few simple exercises to teach you to harness the powerhouse of your mind. The goals are simple at first. Like everything about Yoga, they should be done without the threat of interruptions, while you are alone in a room. Your clothes and your position should be comfortable. Everything should contribute to an initial attitude of relaxation.

Intense concentration can improve memory, since lack of it is largely a matter of inability to focus on anything long enough or with sufficient interest, for it to make a lasting impression. A simple exercise which does not even require the traditional Yoga pose is to select a few cards out of a pack, lay them face down in front of you, then jot down the value and suit of each.

With practice you will be able to increase the number of cards you are able to remember at one time until finally you will accurately recall the entire pack in the order in which you put them down.

An auxiliary exercise which may be practiced profitably at odd moments is to make yourself consciously aware of what you see as you walk down a street or enter a room. Rather than proceed in your usual state of semi-consciousness, try making a point of assimilating as many impressions as possible. Afterwards try just as systematically to recall as many as you can after you have reached your destination.

This, by the way, is a good preliminary to the more formal, and more difficult, practice of sitting with the eyes closed and systematically making yourself remember everything you did during the previous day.

You will probably be amazed at first at how many details actually escape you. In time, however, you will learn to marshal your thoughts until yesterday's events pass clearly in review before your mind's eye like a series of motion picture stills projected on a screen. Remember, do not be tempted to pick and choose, shrugging off certain memories as too trivial and inconsequential to merit notice.

A final exercise in concentration, and the most difficult of all for reasons which are self-evident, is to spend a few minutes nightly reviewing the day's happenings and scrutinizing your own behavior directly before you fall asleep. The difficulty here is not that your tired mind will be tempted to wander. A far more serious stumbling block is the simple fact that honest self-analysis is seldom pleasant. In the course of any one day we all do many things which we would just as soon not remember.

The problem then is to make your nightly self-examination honest without being morbid. You need neither berate nor excuse yourself but just honestly admit your own faults for the purpose of not repeating them. Learn to do this, and you will really be making progress. There are few areas where your new powers of concentration will help you more. For, once you learn to stay with this kind of self-examination long enough to reach realistic conclusions, you will be well on the way to true self-knowledge. You will be well on your way to understanding about Yoga.

Yoga can help you to better emotional and intellectual concentration. There is yet another area where concentration can be of infinite value, and that is in matters of health. For the body, like the mind, is naturally suggestible, as any doctor with insight into psychosomatic medicine will tell you.

Partially-deaf people often find their hearing fluctuating, depending on whether or not what is being said is something they want to hear. These reactions are so spontaneous that we have very little control over them. Conscious exercise of the mind, however, can and will counteract the unconscious impulses.

It is possible to utilize prana, directing it to sick areas of the body to effect cures in cases of minor ailments such as headaches and colds. This "thinking yourself well," however, cannot be accomplished without proper concentration. If the neophyte rarely succeeds in achieving beneficial results, it is because of an inherent inability to direct the prana currents long enough and steadfastly enough to do much good. Developing the art of single-mindness is the secret here.

Learn about Yoga then try these exercises and discover they can work wonders!

Author Resource:- Learn How to Increase Your Energy And Reach Your Full Fitness Potential With Yoga Visit

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Improve Your Life With Yoga

With yoga, you can develop a deep sense of yourself. It does sound like something positive and beneficial but one cannot help but wonder what that is really all about. How does it feel? What does it look like?

Yoga is not a solution but more of a process. It can help you get in touch with yourself enabling you to fix yourself. Yoga turns your attention inward instead of pointing you to some external solution (such as a new exercise gadget, a trendy weight loss ingredient, a pair of the latest model running shoes). This may sound like a cliche but truly, you have inside of you the answer to every question.

The most popular form of yoga in the United States involves physical postures which reflect the meditative aspects of yoga. Its practice provides numerous health benefits and below, I will be discussing the seven life-enhancing benefits of a good, solid physical yoga practice.

Yoga increases flexibility. Needless to say, yoga is synonymous to flexibility. Regular stretching of the connective tissues in the body improves their elasticity. In the same way that a rigid tree would break due to strong winds and a more flexible one would bend without breaking, a person with good flexibility is less susceptible to torn muscles, ligaments or tendons. They have built-in protection from injuries because their tissues stretch and therefore would not easily tear.

Yoga prevents aging. With age comes rigidity of the connective tissues and organs. In the same way that a plant that has not been watered for a long time would have trouble extracting nourishment from the soil, a body that is not regularly stretched will have circulation problems because the tissues become dense and coated with fibroid tissues. Because of this, blood, vitamins, minerals, and energy cannot flow smoothly through them. This is how being flexible keeps the body young and combats the effects of aging.

Yoga tones the organs. Yoga positions serve several functions. The forward bend for instance, helps to flush the kidneys, while the triangle opens the liver. When done correctly and held for a sufficient length of time, yoga practice can tone and improve the functioning of every internal organ of the body. Keeping ones internal organs in good condition does not only benefit ones health, it also greatly reduces the possibility of developing medical problems which may lead to expensive transplants. Thus, indirectly yoga also provides financial benefits to those who practice it.

Yoga increases healthy energy flow. The yogis of ancient India discovered nadis which are energy pathways that flow through the body. As we grow older, the nadis constrict and because of this, the amount of vital energy flowing through the body increasingly lessens. This results in aging, loss of energy and eventually, death. Yoga keeps these energy pathways open which allows plenty of vital energy or life force to continuously flow into the body. This helps you to stay young and healthy.

Yoga focuses the mind. Another widely known benefit of yoga is that it significantly increases ones ability to concentrate. The physical postures developed by the yogis of ancient India are such that they are impossible to do if your mind is on something else. With yoga, it is essential to focus on what you are doing at the present moment and nothing else, otherwise you might end up in a tangled heap on the floor.

Yoga gives you power. Once you practice yoga, you will quickly understand that thinking is a choice and not an obligation. The mind is very similar to a powerful computer and its an awesome tool to be used by YOU when it is helpful.

Yoga gives you the choice to whether to use your power of thinking or not. It puts you in the position to be the master over your mind, which is probably one of the most powerful things in the world. You can use it to overcome compulsive eating, angry outbursts, all sorts of addictions and other behaviors which all start off as a thought your mind. The essence of all power lies in this ability to decide which thoughts you want to empower.

Yoga gives you love. As you practice yoga, you will begin to realize that all of us are in this together. In its essence, yoga means union and this manifests itself on many different levels. You will come to know who and what you are, and also find integration in many aspects of your life. But it doesn't end there, you will also come to know others for who they really are. We all wear masks but underneath we are all the same in that we go through life in the same way. All of us are in search for union with each other and with a higher power.

Yogic practices will enable you to see through the masks of the ego and to look deeply into your own heart as well. It will lead you to ponder on such questions as, Why am I here? What is life showing me?and How am I looking at the world? Knowing ones real self is loving oneself with the unconditional love of a mother. And to love oneself is to love the world and everyone and everything in it.

Author Resource:- Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Healthy Weight Loss and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.

Article From
Article Health And Fitness

Friday, July 17, 2009

power, humor, charisma, passion, joy, & talent are hard to find all wrapped up into one.